Meghan Hendricks

Meghan Hendricks is an executive technology leader who has spent the past 18 years in the healthcare industry.  She is experienced in both patient care delivery and payer technology solutions.

She was born and raised in Minnesota and attended Marquette University where she majored in Business Administration.  After starting her career in the banking industry, Meghan took a rather circuitous route in finding her passion – healthcare tech.

Meghan enjoys collaborating with clinician and operational leaders to develop solutions aligned with their strategic goals as they seek to improve the health of patients.   She firmly believes the most dangerous phrase in the English language is “because we’ve always done it that way”.

Meghan joined Ascension Technologies in 2018 and is currently a Vice President of Relationship & Demand Management leading a team of Regional Technology Officers across the system.  The team partners with ministries across the country in developing strategies and removing technology friction from the business of delivering care.

Meghan and her husband Tom enjoy living in the Third Ward neighborhood of Milwaukee with Larry – their very naughty rescue cat.  Personally, Meghan enjoys spending time with their nieces, reading, travel and landscape photography.

Bio posted April 2021

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