21 Dec SI – Kirby Research Report: Healthcare IT Organization of the Future
As healthcare CIOs lead the digital revolution in person-centered care, they’re transforming IT departments into juggernauts of the future.
What does healthcare’s IT organization of the future look like? Find out in this collaborative research report by Scottsdale Institute and Kirby Partners, “Healthcare’s IT Organizational Structure of the Future,” which surveyed 50 SI member organizations and features in-depth interviews with leading healthcare CIOs.
“Baselines are changing around us – patient, clinician, and staff expectations – and we are in a race to innovate. Market forces will continue to challenge business and operating models, and IT departments will need to shift to accommodate those pressures by being nimbler and consumer-service oriented. We may also begin to see a move towards more matrixed or fusion teams, which blur the more traditional lines between operations and technology.”
– Craig Kwiatkowski, PharmD, SVP of Enterprise Information Systems and CIO, Cedars-Sinai Health System
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