Events Overview

Annual Conference

The SI Annual Conference in April in Scottsdale is our premier collaborative, educational and networking event for senior executives from SI Member organizations. Convened in a beautiful and relaxed setting, the three-day SI Annual Conference focuses on sharing innovative, IT-enabled strategies for healthcare transformation in SI’s signature intimate and interactive style.


SI Dialogues are member-generated, no-holds-barred, one-hour Zoom calls that enable SI-Member executives to convene a discussion of peers around any topic, challenge or query. These regularly scheduled calls are not recorded or transcribed: What happens in a dialogue stays in a dialogue.

Dialogues are invitation-only events. To request to join please send us a message via the “Request to join Executive Affinity Group” form in the right sidebar.


SI Roundtables gather like executive titles in small, one-to-two-hour sessions to tackle issues germane to their arena. Held in both onsite and virtual settings—including during the SI Annual Conference—SI Roundtables provide space for intimate and focused conversation and up-to-the-minute thinking on the challenges and opportunities in strategic innovation.

Site Visits

SI Site Visits offer rare opportunities for immersive learning through onsite visits to SI Member campuses, innovation centers and community sites. Combining tours, talks and interactive presentations, the sky is the limit for a collaborative, multi-disciplinary and on-the-ground experience to accelerate out-of-the box thinking and implementation.


SI Summits bring together title- or issue-specific executives for two-day mini-conferences devoted to sharing innovative strategies and tactics in their respective clinical, operational or administrative sphere. SI Summits comprise an introductory afternoon discussion, reception and dinner followed by a morning-after deep discussion and wrap-up of key insights. Each Summit produces a professionally written white paper on the discussion and its conclusions, published with every participant’s input.

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Tricia Julian
CIO, Baptist Health
"What a great opportunity SI affords CIOs to talk openly with each other about challenges we have in common so we can share insights and lessons learned with each other.  There’s enough pressure in these roles already; being able to have a trusted group of colleagues who want to help one another is a definite blessing."
Jeff Goldsmith, PhD
"I presented to SI in April and stuck around for the first two days of their meeting.  It was the highest level dialog on healthcare informatics I’ve ever attended. The panels were substantive and thoughtful and the audience questions were penetrating and insightful. My immediate reaction was:  I wish my colleagues could have been there to participate."