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Emerging New Models of Care: Growing the Ecosystem


John Kontor, MD

Jordan Asher, MD, SVP and Chief Physician Executive, Sentara Healthcare

Jordan Asher, MD

Sree Chaguturu, MD, Chief Population Health Officer and VP, Partners HealthCare

Sree Chaguturu, MD

Mike Phillips, MD, Partner, Intermountain Ventures

Mike Phillips, MD

Lisa Nichols, Assistant VP, Intermountain Healthcare and Co-Leader, Utah Alliance for the Determinants of Health

Lisa Nichols

Health systems have put the “pop” into population health as digital, consumerism and value-based payment converge. Find out how in our latest Industry Inside Edge, “Emerging New Models of Care: Growing the Ecosystem”, featuring interviews with John Kontor, MD, senior VP for provider technology services, Optum, Jordan Asher, MD, senior VP and chief physician executive, Sentara Healthcare, Sree Chaguturu, MD, chief population health officer and VP, Partners HealthCare, Mike Phillips, MD, partner, Intermountain Ventures, and Lisa Nichols, assistant VP, Intermountain Healthcare and co-leader, Utah Alliance for the Determinants of Health.


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