Collaboration & Partnerships

INTRODUCTION | All the elements are there. Whether we call it the real-time healthcare system of the future or the emerging system of health, the thousand pieces of a complex jigsaw puzzle are lying on the table before us. It’s a matter of everybody working on it together, collaborating and partnering to create an interlocking system of health that is sustainable, quality-and-data-driven, consumer-centric, accessible, affordable and equitable. It must be value-based and social-determinants-of-health-based.


Collaboration and partnership are key to success because nobody can do this alone and everybody’s at the table. Yes, there are disruptors from the outside who hold some puzzle pieces, but disruption from the inside is more important. The old analogy of having one foot in one canoe and the other in another canoe is tired. Change agents must navigate a tension and ambiguity that arise from having to compete with and disrupt their own organizations. “Sometimes we compete and sometimes we partner,” says Optum’s Mitch Morris, MD, in encapsulating the new order.

Not a week goes by without news about big-tech partnerships in healthcare involving Apple, Amazon, Google and others. Retail giants like CVS, Walgreens and Walmart have become primary-care players. Intermountain has teamed with other health systems to create generic drug firm Civica RX. Providence is partnering with OneMedical. Mayo Clinic with Medically Home.

While it’s impossible to catalogue all the collaborations and partnerships occurring in healthcare today, we offer our traditional snapshot of the phenomenon from the framework of types:



Kevin Croston, MD

CEO, North Memorial Health

CEO, North Memorial Health See LinkedIn Croston [pt_view id="5e4c817d2m"]

Dick Flanigan

SVP and Brand Ambassador, Cerner

As senior vice president and Cerner brand ambassador, Dick Flanigan focuses on key clients and industry associations, and leads the regulatory strategy team. He represents the voice of Cerner across multiple stakeholder groups and is a leader in driving the...

Nick Frenzer

COVID-19 Program Lead, Epic

COVID-19 Program Lead, Epic See LinkedIn Frenzer [pt_view id="4e4f9abs3k"]

Phil Lindemann

VP, Data & Analytics, Epic

VP, Data & Analytics, Epic See LinkedIn Lindemann [pt_view id="ce05bdfgo3"]

Mitch Morris, MD

Senior Advisor, BDC and Executive-in-Residence, Scottsdale Institute

Mitchell Morris, MD. is a distinguished physician executive with more than three decades of experience as a healthcare business leader, consultant, and technology innovator. Dr. Morris has focused his career on healthcare transformation, taking on leadership roles in outstanding organizations...

Craig E. Samitt, MD, MBA

Craig Samitt, MD, CEO, Surround Care National Physician Enterprise; EVP, Navvis

Craig Samitt, MD, MBA is a nationally recognized expert and thought leader on industry transformation, care delivery, and healthcare policy. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Physician Enterprise at Surround Care, and EVP at Navvis, a Surround...
Marcus Shipley of Trinity Health

Marcus B. Shipley

SVP, Chief Innovation and Information Officer, Trinity Health

As Chief Innovation and Information Officer, Marcus B. Shipley leads Trinity Health’s innovation program responsible for finding, originating and implementing new ideas and managing the process of innovation and change management throughout the system.  He also leads Trinity Information Services...

Kevin Croston Dick Flanigan Nick Frenzer Phil Lindemann Mitch Morris Craig Samitt Marcus Shipley

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