Is the future CIO the CEO ─ Chief Experience Officer ─ or the CKO ─ Chief Keep-the-Lights-On Officer? How do consumers define High Availability? These and other topics were explored at the Scottsdale Institute’s 2019 CIO Summit sponsored by Impact Advisors, which convened 15 chief...

Sponsored by Impact Advisors. The Scottsdale Institute 2018 Analytics Summit convened 13 healthcare analytics executives from prominent healthcare systems across the country in Chicago on October 25-26, 2018. These executives gathered to explore “Digital Health Data Strategy,” with specific focus on consumer engagement in healthcare and understanding...

Sponsored by Cerner. The Scottsdale Institute 2018 Population Health Summit convened 11 population-health executives from prominent healthcare systems across the country in Chicago on October 24-25, 2018. These executives gathered to explore the “Consumer Activation/Engagement,” with specific focus on the goals, strategies and success measures of...