"Enabling Best Practice Care", hosted by Intermountain Healthcare. Scottsdale Institute’s Annual Fall Forum, held September 30–October 2, 2010, at the stunning Snowbird Conference Center in Snowbird, Utah, literally brought us home to one of America’s pioneer health systems. SI Chairman Stan Nelson introduced Charles Sorenson, MD, CEO of Intermountain...

"Healthcare Reform and Achieving Meaningful Use: The Pivotal Role of Clinical Business Intelligence" Texas Health Resources hosted the Scottsdale Institute Fall 2009 Forum September 24-25 at the Omni Fort Worth Hotel in downtown Fort Worth, Texas. Given the national imperatives of meaningful use and health reform as well as the increasing need for business intelligence...

"“Realizing the Promise of Healthcare IT” Hosted by Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Members create a call to action Scottsdale Institute’s Annual Fall Conference, held September 25-26 at the brand new Prentice Women’s Hospital at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, blazed a new trail in terms of speakers, content and collegiality. Peter J. McCanna, executive vice president, administration, and...

"IT Enabling Community Care" Scottsdale Institute’s 15th Annual Spring Conference, held April 16-18 at the Camelback Inn, lived up to a vintage year with the best SI gathering ever. More than 115 executives from 30 member organizations joined together to discuss how IT enables community care—and demonstrated that SI member organizations are...

"Consumer-centered Care, Part Two What Consumers Want: Gleanings from SI’s Fall Conference" In keeping with Chairman Stan Nelson’s vision, we maintain a steady-as-you-go approach to thought leadership in the IE report. So, when we say the Fall Conference at Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta was perhaps the best ever in terms of speakers, content, hosts and tours,...