Is the future CIO the CEO ─ Chief Experience Officer ─ or the CKO ─ Chief Keep-the-Lights-On Officer? How do consumers define High Availability? These and other topics were explored at the Scottsdale Institute’s 2019 CIO Summit sponsored by Impact Advisors, which convened 15 chief...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Scottsdale Institute 2019 CMIO/CNIO Roundtable sponsored by Hearst Health convened 18 chief medical information officers (CMIOs), chief clinical information officers (CCIOs) and chief nursing information officers (CNIOs), convened April 11 during the Scottsdale Institute 2019 Annual Conference in a roundtable to tackle the vexing...

Sponsored by Hearst Health. During the Scottsdale Institute 2018 Annual Conference, 13 Chief Medical Information Officers (CMIOs) convened to review what IT improvements have truly moved the needle on health outcomes the past 10 years, what learnings they will apply to the next 10 years, and where are the...

Sponsored by Impact Advisors. During the recent 2018 Scottsdale Institute Annual Conference, a group of 22 CIOs from leading health-delivery organizations across the country gathered to discuss their CEOs’ top IT-related priorities. Although a wide range of issues were featured, five key themes emerged. At the top of...