02 Jun Lurie Children’s – Before Deliberately Infecting People With Coronavirus, Be Sure It’s Worth It
Big questions about ‘challenge trials’ to test vaccines might be addressed while ethical and scientific preparation starts....
Big questions about ‘challenge trials’ to test vaccines might be addressed while ethical and scientific preparation starts....
Patients have been given the first dose of a potential antibody treatment designed to fight coronavirus. The immune system produces antibodies to fight off foreign invaders when it detects infection. Scientists developed the antibody in just three months after identifying it from blood taken from one of the...
Revenue cycle collections required extraordinary efforts before the COVID-19 pandemic, but as unemployment rates rise and the number of clinical visits fall, having affordable and self-service payment options that are flexible for patients is more important than ever....
If you get COVID-19 and you find yourself in the hospital, the last thing you need is to get a big medical bill for your stay. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act covers the cost of COVID-19 testing, but it doesn't cover the cost of...
Many healthcare systems are deploying digital innovations to address COVID-19. CommonSpirit Health, a nonprofit, Catholic health system operating in 21 states, had to do this on an unprecedented scale, accelerating deployment of solutions already in use and developing new adaptations to address the specific needs...
To date, the focus for policymakers, public health officials, hospitals and physicians has been on re-opening hospitals safely. Their attention has been on the adequacy of PPE, masks, workforce safety, facilities, infection controls, testing and more. Their hope has been a return to normalcy that...
Dr. Devinder Singh, a cardiology fellow at Cooper Health in Camden, New Jersey, doesn't typically work in the intensive care unit. But during most of May, that's the place you would have found him: caring for coronavirus patients suffering from breathing difficulties, blood clots, and other complications....
In response to concerns regarding COVID-19, the Spectrum Health Cancer Center at Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion started providing the alternative option for care a few weeks ago....
One day, for the first time in my 39 years, there were no patients in the emergency department. It was a Sunday morning. Never seen that in my life...
Industry wants access to massive data troves, but patients deserve transparency and privacy; Michigan Medicine approach offers a path forward....