Lea Ann Arnold, DNP, RN

Lea Ann has served in various nursing roles across hospital healthcare over the past 40 years. She works to guide and influence clinical integration across care teams and leverage the EHR. Lea Ann transitioned to information services in 2009, initially helping to build out the EHR platform that now spans 12 hospitals plus outpatient areas of NMHC. Efforts and deliverables to reduce nursing documentation burden and improve efficiencies related to EHR application and use are high impact areas of focus. Understanding issues and root causes, applying best practices, and translating clinician / patient needs to solid solutions describes standard work for Lea Ann’s team. Lea Ann received her BSN from William Jewel College, Liberty, Missouri, Masters of Science from UIC, Chicago, IL, and DNP from St. Francis University, Joliet, IL.

Bio updated November 2022

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